Help Help - I have accidently deleted my weblog
Hi In the past when I "removed a skin" it would restore it to the original/default skin. I did this for the "login skin" and clicked delete only for it to delete my entire weblog. I am still logged in at the moment but when I try to access my weblog it says its not found on the server. My weblog was
Please Please help
i have absolutely no idea *what* you did, but you did delete your weblog (as i just saw in antville's system log). this can't happen when you remove a skin (this behaves like it did all the time, it reverts to the default skin), i tested it here on my local installation of antville and in my test-weblog here just to be sure there's no deadly bug. can you tell me *exactly* what you did?
anyway, your weblog is gone (incl. the images). how many stuff did you have in there?
If you want exactly what I did tonight then its going to take a while, so bear with me. I can't remember the macro/skin names exactly but I hope my *description* will be enough.
My objective tonight was to remove the "edit/subscribe/your subscriptions" from the "logged in" skin leaving just "logged in as JohnWalsh" and "you are Admin of this weblog" in the "Status Menu". This saved OK.
Then I decided to add the code I cut from the "logged in" skin i.e. edit/subscribe/your subscription links to the administrator navigation skin so that only the administrator (me) controls subscriptions. When I saved this code, I lost everything i.e. all my stories went blank, but I still had the navigation (no calendar/history) at the side with "[macro ???]" where I added the code. I couldn't get into the skins so I used my browser back button to get back to the administrator navigation skin form; removed the code I just pasted into the skin, and saved. Everything was the same before I edited the administrator navi skin.
Then I added the "login macro???" to the administrator navi skin. I can't remember the exact name of this macro but its mentioned in relation to the "logged in" skin in the skins section. I saved the skin, and I just got "[macro ???]" again, but this time I didn't lose my stories.
When all this didn't work I decided to "remove skin" for the "loggedin" skin. I was warned about deleting the skin and pressed "delete". Next I had a url of with a message "url/johnwalsh was not found on this server". I tried to use the back button again, but it didn't work this time.
In hindsight I should have probably removed the "loggedin???" macro from the administrator navi skin but I didn't think this would delete my entire weblog !!
I cannot remember the names exactly as I can nolonger *see* the skin/macro names, but I think I have given enough info for you to work with.
I basically used the weblog to document the design changes I made to the weblog. In all I would say I lost 6 mandays of work eventhough I have been with antville longer than that as most of that time was trial and error as there was very little documentation. Is there a *known* method for somebody with authority like mine to delete a weblog? Why can I still log on if my weblog is deleted? Is there any chance of a restore? If there is no chance of a restore, am I better off setting up a weblog on another site besides antville, especially with all this talk of antville being full?
I look foward to your response and if you have any further questions, just ask. I hope this helps
thanks for your explanation. i tested everything you described with my local installation of antville, but i never got to the same result (weblog deleted). which is strange ...
yes, the creator of a weblog and the system administrators are allowed to delete a weblog. nevertheless i've disabled this (until i know exactly what happened).
and now the good news: i restored your weblog using the latest backup (which is now 1 day old) and it's online again. as far as i saw everthing is in place again (in case your're wondering: i modified the main page-, javascript- and stylesheet-skin to fix the ugly javascript-bug in the skineditor).
Thanks for restoring my weblog.
What javascript bug are you referring to as I didn't notice anything? Could this bug and what I actually did cause a weblog to be deleted? Finally, what changes did you actually make as I couldn't identify the changes?
I knew an administrator could delete a story but I didn't think I could delete the entire weblog - where is this option normally (i know its switched off now)?
I am willing to try to recreate the problem, but you would need to put back the "bug" code and allow deletion of weblogs again. Just let me know