antclick-1.0pre4, J2SE 1.4.1 and Windows XP
On my virgin PC (no http or sql) I tried antclick-1.0pre4 with this result:
Starting HTTP server on port 8080
Serving applications from C:\Program Files\1cyberspace\antclick-1.0pre4
Starting Helma 1.2.1 (2002/12/17) on Java 1.4.1_01
and at :
Error in application 'antville': Error retrieving Node: java.sql.SQLException: Datasource is not defined: antville.
antville_event.log says: [2003/01/26 21:12] Error creating DbSource antville [2003/01/26 21:12] Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mckoi.JDBCDriver [2003/01/26 21:12] *** Data Source for prototype file does not exist: antville [2003/01/26 21:12] *** accessing or storing a file object will cause an error. and a lot of other things I do not understand: antville_event (application/octet-stream, 45 KB)
Help appreciated. thanks, l
maybe the space in "program files" is causing the error. try to move the antclick-directory to c: (out of program files). then it should work. if not please post here again.
Antville is sexy. After moving it to C:\antclick-1.0pre4, I got the startup screen. I registered.
I filled out the first two fields at the System Configuration screen. Hmm, where are all the other fields? Same look in IE6 and Phoenix 0.5:

I try to save System Configuration but:
Error in application 'antville':
Java Arrays accept only index properties
detected at line 216 of function 'evalSystemSetup' in file: 'sysmgr/objectFunctions.js'
called at line 8 of function 'setup_action' in file: 'sysmgr/setup.hac'
I can create blogs but every time I go to 'Home' I see the System Configuration.
Antville is sexy but bitchy too :-). Thanks for everything,
looks like antclick pre4 suffers from a bug i fixed a few days ago. if you know how to use cvs you can get the latest version of antville from helma cvs, but anyway i need to build a new antclick (which i hopefully can do tomorrow).