Antville Help
Montag, 16. Juni 2003

Java trouble on MacOSX

I tried antclick-1.0.tar.gz on MacOS 10.2.6 with Java 1.3.1.

% Java regex API not available.

com.mckoi.database.DatabaseSystem ( lvl: 20 ) Unable to load regex bridge: com.mckoi.database.regexbridge.GNURegex % java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gnu/regexp/REException

com.mckoi.database.V1FileStoreSystem ( lvl: 20 ) File lock file exists: /Users/towb/antclick/././data/DefaultDatabase.lock com.mckoi.database.TableDataConglomerate ( lvl: 40 ) Couldn't find table source - resource name: 062SYS_INFO_sUSRSequenceInfo table _id: 62

This is from debug.log. The browser said:

Error retrieving Node: java.lang.NullPointerException

Trying again with the .zip Archive produced none of these problems. See

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