"Submission Bin"
Just an idea (I dunno if it's already a feature): Collaborative weblogs like Slashdot work with the input of the users. People submit stories, then someone takes a look at it and puts the stuff online as he sees fit. There's no possibility in Antville to do that, right, i.e. "contributors" are always allowed to put something online? Would it be possible to have a contributor status that can only post "offline"?
tobi Verwaltung
i like the idea and think it's possible to implement (with robert's help... :)
it's the only concession i would make to implementing workflow in antville.
More workflow would certainly "kill the spirit" behind the whole thing, IMHO. (Having the possibility to edit a weblog as a group isn't. For me that's one of the coolest features there is in Antville: The members management. It's just so neatly easy to work together as a team. :-)