Antville Help

Antville mit Apache mod_proxy

Habe antville aus dem cvs letzte Woche gezogen, apache mit mod_proxy installiert wie hier auch schon beschrieben und alles läuft super fein - bis auf eine Sache: ich kann keine Bilder uploaden?

Aus dem httpd.conf: ProxyPass /static/ localhost:8080 ProxyPass /antville/ localhost:8080 ProxyPassReverse /static/ localhost:8080 ProxyPassReverse /antville/ localhost:8080

Die Fehlermeldung:

Error in application 'antville': Request timed out.

Wäre nett wenn jemand eine Idee hätte. Hannes

antclick on an offline server

i just installed antclick on a win2k webserver. it runs properly - the installation was more than easy.

there is just one problem i am facing: when i start it i can register and do all the admin stuff, but when i restart the browser i am logged off and cannot log in again.

maybe it is because my webserver is offline (and will be offline until next friday, because i am not able to get my internet connection earlier). does my antville installation try to send me an e-mail and wants to do me some kind of confirmation like they do it on

can i somehow delete the necessarity of this confirmation process? i won't need it in future.

Install question...

I am running Mandrake-Linux 9.0

I put all the files from the downloaded archive into one directory like the readme says but:

when I run ./ I get the error message:

: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Why o why ?

could anyone please point me to an explanation of how to set up HOP applications? i'm working on transfering my personal antville from my antclick installation to an apache server / oracle db. so far i got the "base" app running on apache and jserv, but the other default apps (hopblog etc.) aren't working. i figure if i learn how to do that, i should be able to get antville over to the new server as well. i know i've got to mess a little with the config files, but i'm not exactly sure how. is there any documentation around?

is it normal that the other apps aren't working once base is running? another strange thing i noticed is that i see base only at localhost/hop/base, but not at localhost/, although there should be url rewriting. i added the following to my httpd.conf:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/static(.*) /static$1 [L] RewriteRule ^(.*) /hop/base$1 [L,PT]
this should do the job, right? but at http://localhost/ i get "The requested URL / was not found on this server."


Nochmal (sorry...): Deutsch

Hi hi, ich hab es nun geschafft, dass tatsächlich ein Großteil der Seiten in schnödem Deutsch erscheint. Was jetzt noch auf Englisch auftaucht:

... create a story ... show all stories | offline stories | my stories ... create a poll ... show all polls | open polls | my polls

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Mit tiefem Respekt vor den Machern von Antville, Charly

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