Seltsamer Streifen in Opera
Erstellt von Imladhrim um 13:52
Gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit diesen Operastripe zu entfernen?
Und welche Ursache hat dieser kleine Streifen eigentlich, der sich über alles hinwesetzt?
Ich denke, dass ich nicht der einzige bin, dem dieses Ding aufgefallen ist.
I E 5
Erstellt von supatyp um 23:39
no login possible : no background color : no colorpicker (404 error instead) : new colors (given in via numbers) not saved
Where has the "W" gone?
Erstellt von raspunicum um 21:48
In the headlines of my blog, the big "w" does not appear, but it has definitively been entered in the create-form.
Could this be a bug in my skins (but I didn't change anything)? Or is it a problem from Antville?
(OS: Win98, Browser Netscape 6.2 + IE 6.0)
Pls, remove the login skin from the Skin page
Erstellt von JohnWalsh um 06:41
Last month, I reported that when I tried to edit the login skin I was kicked back to the frontpage. Recently, it was reported again but this time there was an answer saying the login skin is no longer editable for security reasons.
Fair enough, but could somebody please remove the skin from the skin page to prevent this confusion from happening further.
Unable to customize login-form
Erstellt von raspunicum um 15:15
this one:
"login-form (not customized)
This skin defines the layout of the login-form."
When clicking to customize I am redirected to the startpage (
Any hints? Thx.