Antville Help

skin depot

Nicht wirklich eine Hilfe-Anfrage: Wäre es nicht eine schlaue Idee, irgendwo ein Depot für großartige Skin-Lösungen anzulegen, damit weniger geniale Antville-Weblogger etwas lernen können? (Ich denke an die horizontalen Fotologs wie mks oder an den Blogwart, der eine fantastische Idee hatte, was man mit comments noch machen kann)

[und versteht sich, meine skins kann auch jeder haben, sind aber nur langweilige css-umstrickungen von tables]

weblog export/backup

Some time ago there was a discussion regarding a possibility for the blog owner to download the full content of their weblog as an XML file (or rather RSS/RDF).

What's the outcome of that ? Is grabbing HTML still the backup option to choose, if any ... or are there news ?

Cheers ... and thanks for the good work, guys.

subscriptions: permissions

as a subscriber of a weblog i can easily remove myself from the 'members/subscriptions' list.

as a contributor or content manager i cannot remove myself from the subscribed weblog or downgrade to subscriber and then remove me from the list.

so - promoting subscribers to a higher level will lock them in a certain way - they will have to write a comment or dig for the admins email address,...

do i get this wrong? sh/c/ould this be changed?

What is the purpose of the orange XML button?

I have read the story about the XML button at It explains that "the button links to a document that contains all the stories that are visible on the main page of a site but without any layout information (except for what was put into the stories)." What is the point of linking to stories without layout?

The story explained that having stories stripped of their layout, allows stories to be syndicated across the web which is an admirable aim, but what is the purpose of the link? Is it required for "RSS feeds"?

BTW, I have also seen a blue XML button on other sites. What does a blue XML button mean or does the colour not matter?


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