Antville Help


gibt es eine technische möglichkeit, nur ganz bestimmte leute daran zu hindern, kommentare abzuliefern, also mit den user-ids so etwa wie eine persönliche shitlist zu konfigurieren? ich habe bei mir unter vielen interessanten comments immer wieder mal welche, die nicht bösartig oder sonstwie übel sind, dafür aber nervig unerheblich, mich mit den augen rollen lassen, um aufmerksamkeit buhlen usw, das ganze troll programm. lieber als ein nachträgliches löschen wäre mir, die einfach once and for all draußen zu lassen?

I've lost my page

Help - I've lost my page Australian Dreaming - when I access it all I get is a blank page and nothing down the side. Can someone assist. I am unable to get into the skin editor or anything.

PLease, please help;

Macro for Topic?

Is it somehow possible to include the topic setting of a story within the "link me" view of a story? So that anyone will see in story view what topic it is about. (They could look within the URL, but to have it in the HTML would be nicer.)

Is the log-in timeout configurable?

For about the seventeenth time, I've lost a significant amount of work. :-(

My entries tend to be longer essays, not simple blog-type links with a few lines of comment. I write them in the "create a story" skin. I'm not a fast typist, and I tend to think a lot in between sentences.

So here's what happens - I write the entry, click submit, and get presented with the login page. The entire entry is lost.

I've started to work around this by copying the entry to RAM before I hit the submit button, then repasting it after the login, and/or saving frequently while I'm composing, but quite frankly, when I'm on a roll and the words are flowing, I don't always remember to do this.

I love this blogging software - I sing it's praises to everyone I know. I think the developers here are the Goddam Bomb.

But this one "feature" makes me wanna cry and tear my hair out.

Can you make the time-out period configurable, and/or save a submitted entry in a buffer pending a successful re-login?

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