Antville Help

poll in der story.

habe das schon ein paar mal gesehen, weiß aber nicht wie das genau geht.

also, gibt´s einen einfachen weg einen Poll in eine story einzufügen, so dass ich zb. einen poll zu einem foto usw. machen kann?

danke an alle die mir helfen können/wollen!

What exactly is...

..the difference between the permissions of a content manager, and how do they differ from that of a contributor and/or administrator?

Number of stories

Just a quick one: Where does one determine how many stories run in preview form on the main page? Is there a concept behind it? :-)

"Submission Bin"

Just an idea (I dunno if it's already a feature): Collaborative weblogs like Slashdot work with the input of the users. People submit stories, then someone takes a look at it and puts the stuff online as he sees fit. There's no possibility in Antville to do that, right, i.e. "contributors" are always allowed to put something online? Would it be possible to have a contributor status that can only post "offline"?

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