strange umlaut bug (?)
have a look at:
"übermaschinengroß" is rendered correctly in the story on the frontpage;
but rendered with an ß
on the history list
have a look at:
"übermaschinengroß" is rendered correctly in the story on the frontpage;
but rendered with an ß
on the history list
Kann es denn tatsächlich sein dass ich die erste bin, die feststellt dass alle unsre recently modified weg sind? in WELCHER skin muss ich WAS reintun, damit er mir wenigstens 3 RECENTS hinschreibt?
We used to be able to set the status of an article to "Online in Weblog" or "Online in Topic." Now it just puts everything automatically as "Online in Topic." Is there a way to change the status of articles?
conspir, murmel, tgif, mtb, depix, studio23, dalo, and blank:
you've got an image called "topics" inside your image pool. certainly, this is no bad idea at all. however, with the big update this week-end these images interfere with in internal antville value (i spare you the details).
this interference actually won't let you edit the images. thus, i will change the name from "topics" to "topics_image" directly in the database.
all you have to do then is correct any reference to this image, be it inside a macro or image tag. don't hesitate to ask if anything is confusing.
hello, a problem i cannot solve :
The referrers just look like this. What do i have to do?