Timezone dates are completely screwy in calendar
When my timezone was set to Sydney, Australia postings that I made in February appear in March on the calendar e.g. posted Feb 28, but calendar displays as posted March 28 eventhough it hasn't arrived yet!! I reset my timezone to GMT again and all the dates were correct again. I thought I should mention this as most antvillers are in european time zone. I'll leave it a few days before I go back to Aussie time btw, datestamps are still wrong too. Regards John
both issues could be related to this bug which is already fixed in CVS, but the version of antville running here at antville.org wasn't updated 'til now (and i assume that it will be updated after the release of 1.0final, which should happen - fingers crossed - this weekend). the wrong timestamps are for sure related to this bug, however i couldn't reproduce your problem with the calendar in my local installation (which is never that antville.org). can you please try again and confirm it?
the whole timezone-issue is really complex and hard to explain, and you might run into a problem if you start creating stories and *then* switch the timezone - i'll try to explain: whenever you publish or save a story for the first time it will be added to the current day in the currently defined timezone (eg. 20030301). now if you switch timezones, all the stories that you wrote until then *won't* be updated (because this would be a real performance issue with larger sites), which could lead to a situation where you click on "march 1" and get a story that says it's from "march 2" (because the time the story was created/updated is dynamically transformed into the new timezone).
tobi Verwaltung
that this (ie. stories eventually are moved to another day when i switch the timezone afterwards) perfectly makes sense. maybe someone can explain some logical reason for (or even against) this.
He reported that the story was pushed back a whole month, not to the next day. My intuition tells me that this doesn't perfectly make sense at all ;-)
First of all I would like to say that when I make a posting I would expect it to always have the date and time of the timezone I have set in my preferences. If I change my timezone I don't expect old stories date and times to be converted to my new timezone, but I expect new stories to be date and time stamp according to the new timezone.
I logged in on GMT timezone. All the postings had the same (incorrect) date and time stamp when I posted them in AEST timezone. I was told there was a fix for this in CVS. I selected February (topics.monthlist) and the calendar displayed my postings for February.
I changed the timezone to AEST (-10), the postings had the same date and timestamp(great no conversion). There was no February in the topics.monthlist but there was January. When I selected January I got the February Calendar month.
I originally stated that my February posting appeared in the March calendar, but I have not been able to recreate this problem although I am still convinced this happened as I stared at in disbelief for a while. Could something happen when clocking over at the end of a month?
In hindsight, I must have got confused from living in an Australian timezone(March) with postings appearing with a date timestamp in the previous month(February) and when I select January in the topics.monthlist I get February.
I don't know if this will have a bearing, but I have switched from Australian timezone to GMT timezone about 5 times in all since October last year, when I have encountered problems with datetime stamp
update I mean site.monthlist macro not topics.monthlist