Antville Help
Freitag, 2. April 2004

Antville doesn't display correct URL

I have installed antclick-1.1 under Suse Linux 8.2. After running AntClick as standalone server on port 8080 without any problems, I decided to connect Antclick with the Apache 1.3 Server as described on .

For the URL rewriting passage I used the settings described in "Nicer URLs with Apache mod_rewrite" paragraph from .

Since then I am experiencing problems with the login and editing of stories. It is only possible to login with Internet Explorer with minimal cookie security settings.

When I try to edit a story it also happens sometimes, that modifications to the text are not stored. Or at least it seems that they are not stored. Because when I login to my antville installation with a different browser, the changes are shown.

Could these issues be caused by my url rewriting settings? Because right now, when I move my mouse over a link the correct URL is shown, but after clicking on the link the adress of the page always remains the root adress of my weblog.

Currently my virtual host and rewrite settings look like this:

Mounting /antville/* to a virtual host

<VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /home/philipp_hh/apps/helma ServerName JkMount /antville/* helma

#activate the rewrite module RewriteEngine on

#pass through requests to /images and /static directories #RewriteRule ^/$ /home/philipp_hh/apps/helma [R] RewriteRule ^/static(.) /static$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/images(.) /images$1 [L]

#pass through requests ending with .html RewriteRule ^/(..html)$ /$1 [L]

#everything else is handled by our antville application RewriteRule ^/(.*) /antville/$1 [L,PT]

Thank you for your help


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