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search index

wenn mal zeit ist ...

nur mal so angemerkt: weiss nicht welcher index da stolpert, aber suchanfragen von außen kommen eher auf die letzte geschichte, als eine antwort auf ihre anfrage. interne suche funktioniert jedoch?¿ zb: anfrage von draußen zu "soft wet earth" landet bei: "look who is back".

Volltextsuche / Full text search

Hi. Ich benutze AntClick v1.1 auf einem Windows XP Rechner (Standardinstallation) und frage mich, warum die Volltextsuche nicht funktioniert. In den Einstellungen habe ich nichts dazu gefunden. Fakt ist: In einem Artikel kommen die beiden Worte "Zeit" und "Aufzug" vor. Die Suche nach "Zeit" liefert den Artikel, die Suche nach "Aufzug" nicht. Warum bloß?

Hi. I'm using AntClick v1.1 on a Windows XP machine (standard installation) and i'm wondering why full text search doesn't work properly. I didn't find any preferences concerning search issues. My problem is: One article contains two words (between others of course): "Zeit" and "Aufzug". Searching for the term "Zeit" is successful, whereas searching for "Aufzug" is not. What am I doing wrong?

Search Box

How can I get a search box on my site. I tried adding

Search this site

but it didn't work. (Check my site at Australian dreaming) Can anyone help?


Is antville/antclick still in active development? Full text search issue

Hello there,

in the release plan a version 1.2 and even 1.3 are mentioned; but most development news seem to be older than one year. Is there still any active development done on antville/antclick and are future versions to be expected at all?

One problem I experience has to do with full text searching an antlick diary. I'd like to use my antclick site for qualitative research and to code diary entries using letter combinations or short words. This depends on a reliable search function. But as far as I have tested by now, there are persistent problems, as also mentioned on this site. I have understood that searching for non-capital-letter-words should work as a workaround; but is any real bugfixing to be expected?

Thanks a lot for antclick! I love it for it's portability: Have everything on a usb-stick and use it wherever I go: Under Linux, Windows, on the laptop, the desktop...


März 2025